


Specialty and Research Field


A-Mei Huang

Associate Professor (Director of Department of Biochemistry)

PhD, National Yang-Ming University

My laboratory investigates the mechanisms of urothelial carcinoma development and the exploration of potential therapeutic strategies.

Tel: 07-3121101 ext 2138-17 (O)
Fax: 07-3223075
E-mail: amhuang@kmu.edu.tw
Website: http://amhuang.dlearn.kmu.edu.tw/

Kee-Lung Chang


PhD, Kaohsiung Medical University


Tel: 07-3121101 ext 2138-10 (O)
E-mail: keeluch@kmu.edu.tw

Yi-Ren Hong



PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore



Tzyh-Chyuan Hour


PhD, National Taiwan University


Tel: 07-3121101 ext 2138-16(O)
E-mail: cliff@kmu.edu.tw

Chi-Yu Lu


PhD, Kaohsiung Medical University

Research Areas:
Pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, chromatographic separation, micro-scale and nano-scale analysis, protein analysis, metabolite analysis, mass spectrometry, biomarker analysis, green analytical method development, diagnostic probe design.

Tel: 07-3121101 ext 2137-499 (O)
E-mail: cylu@kmu.edu.tw

Yeng-Tseng Wang


PhD, National Sun Yat-Sen University


Tel: 07-3121101 ext 2138-21(O)
E-mail: c00jsw00@cc.kmu.edu.tw

Chi-Ching Hwang

Associate Professor

Ph.D. University of Utah

Research Area
A.  Enzyme catalysis and mechanism
B.  The energetics of protein stability
C.  Protein engineering in cofactor specificity

Tel:07-3121101 ext 2306-14 (O)
E-mail: cchwang@kmu.edu.tw

Shean-Jaw Chiou

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. KU Leuven, Belgium

Innate defense in human respiratory epithelial cells

Tel:07-3121101 ext 2306-15 (O)
E-mail: sheanjaw@kmu.edu.tw

Chih-Ru Lin

Assistant Professor

PhD, National Taiwan University

My research delves into the mechanisms underlying oxidative inflammatory diseases, aiming to identify and develop targeted therapeutic approaches.

Tel:07-3121101 ext 2306-12 (O)
E-mail: crlin@kmu.edu.tw

Su-Ya Cheng

Assistant Teacher

Master, Kaohsiung
Medical University

Biochemical Experiments

Tel:07-3121101 ext 2182
E-mail: sycheng@kmu.edu.tw

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